Spring 2013 Plein Air Events

4th Annual Paint the Town, Chestertown, MD, April 25 – 27.  Located on the beautiful Eastern Shore.  Artists paint April 25 – 27. “Wet Paint” exhibition and sale, 5-7 p.m. on Saturday evening, April 27 and a “Quick Draw” on Sunday morning Chestertown RiverArts exhibition, “Second Look,” set to open on Friday, May 3, 5-8 p.m. and running through May 25.

Mountain Maryland 5th Annual Plein Air Competition, May 29-June 16. On May 29 – May 31, the thirty artists juried into this event paint throughout Allegany & Garrett Counties in Western Maryland.  Saturday, June 1,  10 am-noon, “Quick Draw” is held in downtown Cumberland.  Artwork from the event will be on display at the Saville Gallery, Cumberland, MD, June 1 – 16.  http://www.alleganyartscouncil.org/event.php?eventid=6480

Easels in Frederick Plein Air Competition, June 18 – 22. Watch 30 juried plein-air painters at their easels Tuesday-Friday, June 18-21.  Collectors Preview, Judges Talk: Friday, June 21.  Quick Draw Competition, Public Exhibit and Sale: Saturday June 22. http://www.easelsinfrederick.org/


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